Six Tips for Moving to College that You Won’t Hear at Orientation

College education is a key indicator of the likelihood to move later in life, with at many as 77% of college graduates changing communities at least once after they get that degree. However, moving into college for your first day is just as important as moving out four years in the future.
College orientation season is upon you, and soon you’ll be moving to a new community. However, that doesn’t mean you’re automatically an expert on moving. So for first-time students — and the parents who will help out — here are six tips for moving to college that you won’t hear at orientation.
Communicate With Your Future Roommate
Once you have your roommate assignment in hand, reach out! You’ll be living together for at least the next year, so it’s important to start building a relationship. Not only that, but collaborating on which items each of you will bring is not only important, it’ll be fun! You don’t want to end up with two fridges and nowhere to put them.
Scope Out Your Space
Unless you’re moving into a brand new residence hall, it’s likely that you won’t have access to air conditioning or a personal microwave. In addition, knowing the dimensions or your room will help you pick out a rug, as well as avoid over-packing.
Postpone Shopping Until You Arrive
The average American citizen moves approximately 12 times throughout their life, so by the end of college, you’ll be a pro. However, if it’s your first move, postpone a shopping trip until you’ve unpacked and organized everything. This way, you’ll know exactly what you need, and you won’t crowd your room with unnecessary things.
Stay Organized
Any residential moving company will tell you how important it is to stay organized during a move. For starters, label everything. This way you know exactly what is where, and you’re less likely to forget something. If it needs to go into storage, you’ll be happy you labeled your boxes.
Research Storage Facilities
You may not need a storage rental service right away, but it’s a good thing to keep in mind for the end of the school year. Not only will it save you time and frustration for the next move, it provides an easy solution for storing big ticket items like futons and rugs.
Enlist Your Family
While you might be bringing a car to school, don’t forget to enlist your family as a temporary moving service. Some universities even have moving services assist students during move-in day, but in the case that doesn’t happen, your parents and siblings are an immense help.
Though you don’t have to submit a change of address form 14 days prior to your move, it’s important to take adequate time to prepare. The more prepared you are and the more help you have, the better!